Facebook Quiz

You use Facebook very often but can you answer these 10 simple questions on Facebook If yes, you could win a gift of INR 1000/= just take the quiz and…

Who Invented Rubber And How?

Rubber is extensively used in our lives today. Have you ever wondered how the world would have been if there was no rubber. Have you ever wondered who invented rubber…

Comparison of Android vs. Windows Mobile Phone OS

Smart phones are the new obsession andeveryone wants to have the best smart phones. In this article we do a comparison of android vs. windows mobile phone OS. We hope…

5 Tips For A Pleasing Personality

Personality is very important for both personal and professional success. It is true that personality is a gift from God. Not all of us can have the best of personalities.…

Growing Breed of Infoprenuers

The internet is a big hit globally and has literally shrunk the world to a global village. Any information you need is available on the web. We all highly depend…

Artha Shastra: Art Of Generating Wealth

Artha shastra means the knowledge of how to gain wealth and success. The book was written by Kautilya way back in the fourth century B.C. He was also known as…

Origin of Vedic Mathematics

Vedas are our ancient scriptures; these are believed to hold the key to all mysteries and knowledge in the world. When we talk of knowledge we think of all the…

A Tribute To Nirbhaya “Amanat”

For the Braveheart Who went so painfully apart Let us give a day, a thought So that justice is brought We have to do it for our own daughter’s sake…

Thank You

Thanks for taking our quiz. If you have given your email ID your results will be sent over there. Even if you have not given your email, thanks for your…

Introduction to Special Education

  Special education refers to providing education to children or persons with special needs by referring and making learning adjustments that would suite the special learners learning capability. Special educators…