Smart phones are the new obsession andeveryone wants to have the best smart phones. In this article we do a comparison of android vs. windows mobile phone OS. We hope that this will help you to understand the technology of comparison of android vs. windows mobile phone OS even better. This will also help you to decide which phone that you want for yourself. There are too many options in the market as a result the confusion is also more. With a basic understanding of the two phones your decision will be even better.
The first point is that the windows OS is obviously developed by Microsoft, while the Android is a Linux based operating system but it was purchased by Google from its inventor. Android is more user friendly than windows. Android has a larger market share than those of windows mobile phones as of today.
The next point in the comparison of android vs. windows mobile phone OS is the interface. The windows mobile phone can play different applications in the background. It has a numeric password. The android phones can be unlocked by swiping to the right. The other applications can be opened by swiping to the right. The windows screen gives a live tiles view of the applications. Android gives a list of icons. Windows is not very good if you want to multitask. Every time you want to see all the applications open you will have to go back. Android is better when it comes to multi tasking. Windows is different but it is not impressive. The interface of android phones looks more interesting any day.
Windows phones have about fifteen hundred thousand apps where as the android have about a eight million apps. The difference is quite significant. Well as we all know that more than the quantity of the apps the quality is far more important. Well when we talk about quality android will again gain more points. This is because the windows apps don’t have the basic apps like the Viber, Hootsuite, Runkeeper, etc. Spotify is also missing in windows. The users will tell you how android phones are more convenient when it comes to apps.
The next comparison in this article on comparison of android vs. windows mobile phone OS will be about the mobile options. Android is open source software. It is highly flexible this is exactly why android technology is offered by many mobile manufacturers like HTC, Motorola, Samsung and Sony Erricson. The windows mobile option is offered by only few manufacturers and on limited handsets. This is also because of the fact that android is cheaper compared to the windows mobile. About fifty four per cent of the mobiles use the android technology.
If required you can check the review that is given by the android and the windows mobile users to understand the difference better. The response that you will get will surely be in favour of android technology. This is because android has many benefits and advantages as compared to windows mobile. If we look at the feedbacks and the facts we can say that windows is lacking behind. It will take at least two to three year’s time to reach the level of android.
If you are a windows fan this may sound harsh but this is the fact and it cannot be denied. We hope that windows will soon be able to change its apps, hardware and software to reach the level of android. Some people are emotionally attached to windows. Well emotions apart if we look at the practical aspects then we will realise that android is much better and convenient for all.
We hope that this brief article on comparison of android vs. windows mobile phone OS will help you to understand the concept of these phones better. This will also help you to decide the one that you want for yourself better. We hope this must have given you a clear idea of which one is better and why.