Facebook Metrics Explained

Facebook is the most popular social networking sites that we know. The Facebook has about six hundred million users across the globe. We in this article will discuss about the Facebook metrics in details. The Facebook is highly used for marketing. If there is a new product or service in the market the Facebook can be a great way to promote the same. As the Facebook has so many users any update on the Facebook will definitely be noticed by many.

Facebook Insights
Facebook Insights

We will discuss how you can understand if the page that you have created on Facebook is actually attracting the kind of attention that you want. To understand this you need to use the Facebook metrics. The Facebook metrics are indicators that prove are the Facebook users liking and appreciating your product or service.

Fan reach

The first Facebook metrics that we will discuss in this article is the fan reach. The fan reach basically indicates the number of people who have visited your page and have shown interest in the same. The more fans you have the better will be the visibility of the page. The Facebook allows you to download in an excel format the fan reach metrics so that you can analyse the data and understand what you can do to improve the same.

Organic reach

The next in the list of the Facebook metrics explained would be the organic reach. It shows how many people visited the page. They can be fans as well as non-fans. Your fans will share your page. Seeing the post of your fans their friends and family will visit your page. They will check your page and decide if they should become a fan or not. If your page is interesting enough these people visiting the page will become fans. You can download the organic metrics in an excel format too. You can promote your page in other channels to increase the organic reach.


The engagement is an important criterion to understand the Facebook metrics. It is an indicator of how many people visited your page and clicked anywhere on the page. The more the engagement the more popular your site actually is. It shows the number of people who have interacted with your content. Like all other metrics even this can be downloaded from the Facebook so that you get a better understanding of the same. This is an important metric in understanding the status of your Facebook page.


In the Facebook metrics storytellers are people who are talking about your page. This is the third point that we will be discussing in the list of the Facebook metrics explained. This is basically a combination of all the metrics that we have discussed so far. It is the record of the like, shares and comments that you get on your facebook page. This shows how your fans did something to ensure that their friends get to know about your page. This is exactly why this metric proves that how many people out there are ready to talk about your page. You can download this data too.

 Click through rate

By now you must have got a good idea about the Facebook metrics explained. We will now move on to one of the most important Facebook metrics explained it is called the click through rate. This metric is used in many other online marketing techniques too. This shows how many people got into your page and watched the videos on your page. It also shows the number of people who enlarged the pictures on your page. The click through rate figures show the video viewers and the  photograph viewers separately.

Negative feedback

The last but not the least in the Facebook metrics explained is the negative feedbacks. As the name suggests these are the people who did not like your post at all. They have not liked your page, reported a spam or have refused to get any future updates from your page. The negative feedback metrics can also be easily downloaded from the Facebook. If your page gets a lot of negative feedback it will become less and less visible with time.

Facebook metrics explained is very useful for all those who want to understand the concept of Facebook marketing. The Facebook is a strong tool that you can use in order to get the most marketing for your products and service. With these Facebook metrics you can easily understand how well your Facebook marketing is actually working.

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