The story of brave hearts keeps repeating often
Still the society’s heart of stone doesn’t seem to soften

But who cares now we have decided to take matters in our hand
Before time slips from our age, like the smooth sea sand
When the Independence Day is again so near
Just look at us and feel our pain o brothers dear
We have finally decided to stand up for our right
We will live life fully and take it as a battle fight
It is only that Nirbhaya changes her body and name
There is still so much around which can put us to shame
So take a moment to reflect again on this day and think
Hope the society is not on the disasters brink
For if such incidents go on unabated without any reason
When will you sisters be safe, be it any place or season
So think again at least even for your own sake
We will not allow it to happen, this pledge you should take