What Is A Fan Page On Facebook?

You must have often heard about fan page on Facebook. We in this article will discuss more about the concept and how you can go about using the same. It is a space that can be created online by a fan or by someone who wants his fans to visit the page. It is like a brand representation for the fan. More fans can join the page and give their feedback on the same.

It becomes like a common platform for the fans to interact. One can use tips from the top marketers to make the page look attractive. Opening a fan page is the new big thing on the Facebook. We will now discuss what a fan page on Facebook in more details is.

Facebook Fanpage
Facebook Fanpage

How To Create A Facebook Fanpage?

First point is that you should know how to create a fan page. There is a create fan page tool on the Facebook. Else you can go to a fan page created by someone. Below the page you will find a link that says create fan page. You can click on this link and start making the fan page of your own.

You must select the kind of fan page that you are making. You must be officially representing the brand for which you are making the fan page. This is a requirement of Facebook. Only when you are associated with the brand can you create the fan page. You will have to sign in to create the fan page.

The Basic Categories

The basic categories in a fan page are local business/place, company/institute/organisation, Entertainment/cause, etc. You can select the category that suits you the most. You will have different templates for each of the category that we have mentioned here. These options help you to create a good and effective fan page.

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In the next step you will have to enter all the information needed. As per the utility of the fan page the information required changes. The fan page is for the brand this is exactly why it will contain information relating only to the brand. Ensure that you don’t put any personal information on the fan page. You must also ensure that the fan page does not give any other about some other brand.

Benefits of Fan Page

The fan page is a good way to promote a brand or a cause. The Facebook has six hundred million users. This is exactly why any information on the facebook can attract a lot of attention from a lot of people. This is  why we say that when you have a fan page on the Facebook it should look attractive. If the page is not worth capturing attention it will not be able to generate the kind of response that you are expecting.

We will give some tips that you can use in order to make the fan page attractive. Select some favourites with your fan page. Describe the brand or the cause in an interesting way so that people get attracted to it. The more attractive the fan page is the better it will be able to attract people. There is a five picture photo strip that appears on the top of the page. Use this space intelligently. These pictures should give a good idea about your project.

Update Regularly

The fan page must be updated regularly with posts. You must work on the fan page regularly. You can upload pictures and also videos so that people get attracted and want to know more about the fan page. The visitors should feel that joining your fan page is going to help them in some way or the other. The fan page is meant only for advertising. This is exactly why it has to be smart and designed professionally. It is like the brand image of your product and service.

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To get people to visit the fan page first share it with your friends and family. They will in turn share it with their friend circle. As a result the fan page will get the initial recognition. Some of these people will like the fan page and join in. Slowly the membership will increase as your fan page becomes more popular. You have to make the presence sensible so that the Facebook users remember you. You must take the feedbacks seriously and update the fan page accordingly.

We hope that were able to explain the concept of what is a fan page on Facebook? We hope that using these tips you will create a fan page of your own soon. It is a simple tool that Face book has to offer. However, you must know how to use the same in an intelligent manner and to the best advantage. There are many people who use the fan page to generate a brand image and awareness.

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