The Importance of English in Modern Day India

In times past, the importance of learning another language could not be over emphasized. In the 1900’s a knowledge of French and Spanish could mean the difference between a successful career in commerce in what was rapidly becoming a global economy. However, a mastery of English was also important. The English were, at that point, masters of most of the known world, and the English East Indies Company was the company that would trade goods across India, Asia and the known world.

Post Independence

It was at this point that England, for better or worse, controlled many countries, including India. Of course, India eventually attained independence and became one of the powerhouses of international commerce – a position that it still occupies in the 21st century.

However, knowledge of the English language is still essential to conduct business both on the Indian subcontinent and on the global stage. The fact remains that, the shadow of the British Empire has not faded. English is still one of those languages that is all but required in order to find success in our global economy.

English Speakers

Approximately 375 million people across the world speak English as their first language. It is spoken as the official language in 50 countries and without doubt, the language of international commerce.

The fact that India has 22 official major languages makes a mastery of English that much more important. For those who want to make their way in international commerce, English will help immeasurably.NacelLondon

Advantages of English in India

India is the third richest country in the world in terms of its exports to the rest of the world. Many of those exports are to countries where English is spoken freely. Without a mastery of the English language, those who want to break into these markets are going to be at a distinct disadvantage.

India is part of a global web of commerce, and many new graduates will not be able to ascend the corporate ladder without a working knowledge of English – in fact a mastery of the language is almost essential. This is especially important in those careers that require specialist knowledge.

If a native Indian citizen wants to explore career opportunities in other countries, it would be extremely challenging if their knowledge of English is not at a graduate degree level. Accountancy, engineering and information technology are only a few of the careers that will require mastery of English.

While entering these careers without competence in the English language is possible for some, climbing the corporate ladder is not.  Especially at a management level, without a mastery of English, individuals have little to no chance of getting the job or finding success.

The Right Mentor

Achieving this level of competency in a foreign language is difficult to do without the assistance of a native speaker since it requires knowledge of a wide variety, grammar, dialect and sentence phrasing. This level of competency allows individuals to read, write and communicate in English clearly, without hesitation and with the confidence they need to enjoy the most prosperous careers.

Although the world has changed, communication is certainly one of the most essential components and required to advance one’s career. It is especially important for those wishing to become entrepreneurs – both on the Indian subcontinent or those who wish to venture further abroad.

A mastery of English is an absolute necessity. Study and interaction with native English speakers are both valid paths towards gaining core competence, but enrolling in a reputable school teaching English as a second language is the best way to move past core competence to mastery of the language. This is the level that truly allows for success and sets a person apart on the world stage. Especially in this global economy, ESL education is a worthy investment that helps individuals to succeed and one all should consider.

Anabela Barros

Anabela Barros is a professional who runs nacel London, a popular language immersion program offering students opportunities to live abroad and learn English as a second language. To learn more about these exciting programs, visit My Company.

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